Make it

Discover SCIENCE (a Scientific Creative Innovative Engaging New Cool Experience) with Dr. Bear engages children and families in the out-of-school time setting of community libraries in hands-on, inquiry-based art and science programs that help to improve the physical, cognitive and social development of children and their families. “SCIENCE” explores and combines STEM with a focus on health issues of concern to the community such as asthma, stress, cardiometabolic risk, sleep, genetics and genetic diseases, and injury prevention.

Goal #1

Empower children by encouraging curiosity and discovery in STEM and medical/health topics

Goal #2

Provide tools for educators, caregivers and youth to incorporate health and science messaging to improve school readiness

Goal #3

Offer professional development training for DCPL Children’s Librarians in informal STEM education and community health

We offer educators lesson plans linked to NGSS science standards for classroom use.

Caregivers can use our expert-reviewed lessons, which include background information on the topic and kid-friendly language, to engage kids in health and science activities from the comfort of the kitchen table. Most of the required materials are things already in the house! Local to the Washington, D.C. area? See below or click here for our upcoming events.

Resources for youth will engage kids in fun games, coloring, and other activities that will stimulate curiosity in STEM and health.