What is Science Journeys?

“Science Journeys,” a Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA), engages a novel and unique audience of learners: children and families who are navigating hospitalization and complex care, an often stressful, high-intensity experience accompanied by loss of in-school instruction. Journeys partners with Child Life to serve in- and out-patients (bedside and in small groups)

The program uses experiential learning and hands-on STEM and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activities to:

  • Spark curiosity

  • Build STEM identity

  • Improve physical and mental health

  • Support parent/family wellness

  • Explore kids’ own health data

Activities include: robotics, systems of the body, and equipment in the hospital room, all lessons are aligned with Next Generation National Science Standards

Our Team

Our Collaborators

CNH Department Collaborators:

•Child Life & Integrative Care Services

•SZIPSI post-docs and CNH biomed engineering

•Nursing Research

•Patient and Family Advisory Council 

•Seacrest Studios

Outside CNH:

•GWSMHS student volunteers

•Knology - external educational evaluator

•Naomi Luban, MD – Principal Investigator

•Rachel Smilow, MA – Program Manager

•Lisa Bochey, MA – Program Lead

•Annika Hvide, MA – Program Coordinator

•Nick Apato – Education Specialist

Programming Includes

•Family Learning Events (FLEs) – intended to stimulate curiosity, provide with families and hospital visitors with education materials/resources

•Bedside – one-on-one lesson to teach health and STEM concepts

•Small Group – playroom activity to introduce health STEM concepts

•Seacrest Studios Broadcasts – broadcast lessons and activities via Seacrest Studios, ability to have children interact during broadcasting via call-ins