• Have you ever noticed what kinds of activities make your heart race?

    In this activity, you will explore your heart rate using a special heart monitor!

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  • The heart is a pump that moves blood through your body to keep everything working. It sends blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen, and then pumps the oxygen-rich blood to all the other organs, like the brain and muscles. When the blood goes to the lungs, it gets oxygen, which helps your body have the energy to move and think. After that, the heart sends the oxygen-filled blood back into the body. The heart and lungs work together to make sure the blood has enough oxygen, and then the blood carries that oxygen to all the parts of your body. This is how the heart helps you stay healthy and strong.

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  • Sickle cell disease is a condition where the red blood cells in your body are shaped like a crescent or sickle, instead of being round. This makes it harder for the blood to flow smoothly, which can cause pain and problems in different parts of the body. People with sickle cell disease may feel tired and have episodes of pain, called "sickle cell crises." Although there is no cure, doctors can help manage the symptoms with treatments like medicine and blood transfusions.

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  • We all have blood but what is it really made of? You’ve seen the red stuff if you’ve ever gotten a bad paper cut. We need blood to keep our bodies working: it brings oxygen and nutrients to all the organs in our bodies able to do anything. Your body makes blood with special ingredients: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. Each of these ingredients has a certain role in the body.

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  • The heart is a strong muscle that pumps blood all around the body. It has four parts called chambers: the right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, and left ventricle. Blood moves through the heart in a special order

    In this activity, you will learn about the anatomy of the heart

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  • The heart is a deep, rich red, like color of a ripe apple.

    In this activity, you will use modeling clay to create an anatomically correct heart!

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Heart and Blood

The heart is an amazing organ that helps our bodies stay alive and healthy. It pumps blood all around the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to every part of us. This blood also carries away waste to keep us feeling good. Without the heart working, we wouldn't be able to move, think, or even breathe! As we grow older, our heart can change, and it’s important to take care of it by eating healthy foods and exercising. Some doctors called cardiologists study the heart. They look at how the heart is working and help people if their hearts are sick or not working well. Cardiologists use special tools to check the heart and make sure it’s pumping the right way. The heart is truly a wonder because it keeps everything in our body working together!




The Brain